South Carolina Legislature



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Internal Audits

This page includes information on the agency's internal audit process as well as copies of reports from internal audits performed by the agency. This information was provided by the agency in its Annual Restructuring Report, Program Evaluation, Request for Information, or Accountability Report. This list may not be exhaustive.

Internal Audit Process

The agency has a Division of Internal Audits which currently reports to the agency head. Internal audits began at the agency in 1973, and its organizational structure has varied over the years. Mr. John L. Strait, III ([email protected]), is in charge of the agency's internal audit function. In the last five years, there were 567 internal audits performed. The shortest audit was conducted in one week and the longest was completed in six months. The average number of months needed to conduct an audit is one month.

General subject matters audited include: SC Voucher Program (child care), fiscal operations of county DSS offices, Child Support Enforcement, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), internal agency business processes, and information technology. Internal auditors are allowed to perform unannounced audits on areas as requested or that it considers to be of high risk. Internal auditors concentrate on IT and Fiscal audits and do not evaluate the agency's performance measurement and improvement systems.

The management of each division reviews their performance measures. Quality assurance audits are also conducted on certain programs by agency staff and through a contract with the University of South Carolina. Additionally, many of DSS' programs are subject to audits and reviews by the federal government.

Internal Audit Reports

The Oversight Committee has not been provided any internal audit reports at this time.

Legislative Services Agency
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